Black & White Exhibit and Sale at Page Waterman
Save 15% off all black and white art during the end of Summer art exhibition at Page Waterman, Gallery & Framing.
Save 15% off all black and white art during the end of Summer art exhibition at Page Waterman, Gallery & Framing.
WHEN: Now through June 30
WHERE: Page Waterman Gallery & Framing
Art which brings out the best of Summer.
Church Square, a historic shopping center located in downtown Wellesley, is proud to celebrate its 100th anniversary this year.
WHEN: Tues., May 23, 6:30 p.m.
WHERE: Page Waterman Gallery
Featuring artwork from Sunday’s “Paint the Town” event.
WHEN: May 6
You’re invited to our two free kids concerts, first at Linden Square at 11 a.m., then Wellesley Square at 3 p.m.
WHEN: May 21
WHERE: Wellesley Square
The Wheels of Wellesley Car Show returns to Central Street. It’s part of Wellesley’s Wonderful Weekend.